Saturday, August 15, 2009

Weepublican all the way!!!

On to a political spat. . . . . .

I need to vent for a second. The current situation or shall I say debacle with our President infuriates me to no end.

White House: "The people at the Town Hall meetings don't represent what Americans truly think about socialized medicine." CNN

That is extremely ignorant to believe that. You claim that you're listening to the American people, Mr. President?? I don't think so. . .

These politicians have a rude awakening coming (when? I don't know. But hopefully soon and they won't have Bush to blame for it either). This health care situation is getting absurd. Canada has a Mortality Checklist and if you don't meet the criteria, no health care for you. Did I mention that it doesn't work there nor Europe? The lines are long and the care is poor. They claim it's "free" but with a sales tax as high as 18% and their dollar only buys a fraction of what ours does - how is it free? So why does America (I mean Obama/dems) think we need it?
And what's the purpose for the town hall meetings if the democrats are just going to let a few (and I mean a few) Republicans in the hall to speak their opinions? It's not really a town hall meeting if only a specific group is allowed in (meaning only supporters for socialized medicine).

AND what about non tax paying non citizens???? Socialized Medicine ???? How is it funded? We'll probably be paying for everyone to get treatment not just our families.

Pretty soon, young people will be forced to pay for housing and clothing for everyone - and we'll find the same failure as the USSR found when they tried this. Universal health care is not the same thing as quality and timely health care. Bureaucrats are not the most effective decision-makers when it comes to distributing any form of service. All socialism does is spread misery equally - and the wealthy in these nations just travel abroad or to private hospitals while the very poor the left claims to be saving suffers worse health care than ever. Remember: doctors leave these nations or practice less or don't go into the field at all! Like so many things, folks, socialized medicine sounds very good and compassionate but it's not. I hope you young people are listening, because you're going to be buying drugs for millionaires and all those greedy Baby Boomers if this stuff passes. -TLI

NOTE: Just because I disagree with the President and don't support what he stands for does NOT make me a racist. I'm entitled to my own opinion. At least for now. . . . .

So in honor of this glorious Obama administration, I only stand more proud to be a Republican as well as my sweet pea. Thanks to Corey Hall (Dave's good friend from college). It's one of the cutest onesies I've ever seen!

I stand Weepublican all the way!!!!

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