Monday, August 10, 2009

4 Month Check up, shots, and teething. . . .

Today we went for Lexie's 4 month check up and shots. She weighs 17.05 lbs (94th percentile), her length was 25 3/4" (93rd percentile), and her head measured in the 92nd percentile to which my Mom said "room for a smart brain." Her doctor said that she is doing great in terms of head strength and motor skills. Lexie is doing things normally a 5 or 6 month old does. That was good to hear.

Looks like we are going to have to convert to another car seat soon. Although the one we have now can hold up to 30 lbs, it's her length that the Dr. was concerned about. Any suggestions for a convertible car seat?

After the Dr left the room, the nurse came in to give the 4 shots. 2 in each thigh and one oral. I think the entire Dr.'s office could hear this poor baby girl. It was so sad to see. Dave and I left nearly in tears. Thank goodness the shots were given about the time she usually naps. So she was out like a light by the time we got to the car. She also continued to sleep during the airport drop off - (Dave left for his annual Alaskan fishing trip today) and for the hour and a half drive to Opelika. This Mama was very relieved. My biggest fear is having to pull off the interstate in the middle of no where due to a very upset baby. . . .

I've been giving her infant tylonel every 4-6 hours. That has helped so much. Hopefully that will keep her from being as fussy as she was at the 2 month shots. That was awful!

Lexie is also in her beginning stages of teething. Can I say FUSSY??? Oh my goodness - this child has been the definition of fussy. Even when she is not whining, I hear her in my mind. I wish the teeth would hurry up and come through. I cut my first tooth at 4 months. I'm crossing my fingers the tooth (or teeth) will hurry up and come. . . . .soon!

We are in Alabama. Su Su can spoil sweet pea rotten while I can hopefully get some rest. . . . :-)

1 comment:

The Vaughns said...

Yay, glad you're here! I may pop over one day and see you :) We use the Britax Marathon convertible car seats and have loved them. I do think Britax is one of the best (if not THE best) brand out there. Hope to see yall soon!

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