Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas and New Years

I know that I've been slacking a lot in the blogging world. It seems like the holidays came and went and left me picking up after it. I still find little pieces of glitter on Lexie, Dave, or myself. I can't seem to get rid of it!

Christmas was great! The three of us Maders stayed in Atlanta and woke up in our own house on C'mas morning (I tradition I plan to keep - I think it's important for my child to be able to wake up in her own house on C'mas day. That's the way my parents always did it and I loved it). Lexie was a little confused when it came time to open gifts. Dave and I told her over and over not to touch or mess with the presents under the tree. Then when it came time to open them, she kept looking at us as if she wanted to say, 'is this a trick?' And of course, she was just more fixated on the wrapping paper and bows than anything else.

My parents came up around noon and we did C'mas again. I think Lexie must have been really good this year. Santa dropped off a TON of wonderful goodies at Su Su and Papa John's house. My goodness!
After opening gifts, we had a nice C'mas dinner along with Dave's famous/delicious turkey. Lexie even joined us at the table for her first 'nice' dinner in the dining room.

Two days after C'mas, we packed up and drove to Ft. Mill, South Carolina (where Dave's parents recently bought a second home - basically outside of Charlotte). Lexie got to have C'mas all over again. She got really cute clothes and some awesome toys! I think she had a field day at Mike and Kathy's house. They just moved in and are still in the midst of buying furniture. So it was basically an open floor plan for Lexie to crawl and roam everywhere. We didn't get to hang out with John, Michelle, and Amelia very much due to Amelia being sick. I hated not being able to see them more but Dave and I didn't want to take the chance of getting Lexie sick. Lexie has been really fortunate to have not gotten sick so far.
Once we got back from SC, we got ready for New Years. Dave decided he didn't want to go to the VT/UT game on NYE - shocking, I know!! Since that was the case, we invited our wonderful friends Marc/Fran Colley over along with our other friends, Joe and Rob. We had a lovely dinner, watched VT pound on the volunteers, and counted the time until 2010.

My parents drove up on NY day to stay the weekend. My Aunt Melinda, cousin Meredith, and Grandma were in town for a wedding. It also was my Grandma's 88th b'day. My Mom made reservations for all of us to go to the Palm in Buckhead for dinner. Lexie did great even though it was way past her bedtime. I only broke her bedtime due to the fact her GG was in town.

I used to dine at the Palm quite often but hadn't in a while. I have to say that I'd go back just for the service. The food was delicious (A+) and the service was outstanding (A+++++++). If you ever need a nice place to dine, think about going to the Palm. Also ask for the waiter, Mr. Logan. Lexie was also very impressed. After Mr. Logan would finish talking or explaining the specials, etc. - Lexie would smile big and start clapping. It was hilarious and cute.
I can't believe it's 2010 and that Lexie is 9 months old! It is absolutely crazy how fast time flies by now.

Christmas and New Years was truly wonderful! I hope yours was too!

By the way, I had a hard time narrowing down the pictures from C'mas/NY as you can see below. . . .I guess I'm making up for not keeping up with my blogs.
Family room tree and stockings
Living Room tree
Waiting for Santa. . . .
Santa came!! He must have liked the oreos. . .
Her first stocking stuffed full of goodies
There's more in the stocking?
About to open her first present
Every time Lexie would see the preview for Alvin & the Chipmunks movie (the squeakle), she'd stop what she was doing and start dancing. So we had to get her the first one.
Alright! We put the movie in later C'mas day and she was pretty entertained for a soon to be 9 month old.
Look who will be ready for fall. . . .
Burberry pj's! Thanks Su Su and Papa John
Lexie's first Waterford Crystal.
Su Su reading Santa a story
Aren't these monogrammed shoes adorable??
Wanting to 'undecorate' the tree after opening all the gifts.
SU SU and Sweet pea
Sweet Fran is reading Lexie a book before bedtime. It was Lexie's last bedtime story of 2009!
Dave's cutest VT fan and good luck charm! She must have worked! VT beat Tennessee 37-14!
Fran and Marc Colley - some of our dearest friends!! They came over to our house and spent New Years with us.

I love Papa John! This was right after they got done playing hide and seek. It was so cute to watch!
GG's b'day dinner in a pretty red dress with a lot of tulle!
Sweet pea still was doing great - considering it was 3 hours after her bedtime!
My Grandma's b'day dinner. Doesn't she look marvelous!?

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