Monday, June 8, 2009

A few things. . . .

Two weeks ago while I was at my parents for the week, I was able to introduce Alexa to three of my dearest and sweetest childhood friends, Sarah, April and Scarlotte. In the first pic below is our lunch outing with Say and April. The second picture is when Scarlotte dropped by (and brought some DELICIOUS cheesecake Mrs. Anita had made). I miss all three of you so much!

Lexie is ALMOST sleeping through the night. She is only waking up ONCE! Wahoooo! It's amazing how those extra few hours of sleep make a difference.

Sweet pea is about to turn over onto her tummy. I caught her in her crib on her side. She's trying so hard to turn over but just can't quite figure out to get over her shoulder.

My Mom has finished her masterpiece!!! She has been working so hard on little A's christening/baptism dress. It turned out more beautiful than imagined (if that is possible). She also made a sweet lace bonnet to go with the dress (Church and date TBD).

Detailing at the bottom of the dress.

On to a cheesy picture moment. . . . . Yes, we have matching pj's! My Mom bought them while I was in the hospital. I have to say mine are super comfy and Lexie looked so cute in hers. We had to get a picture. I'm such a Mom!
A few pics from last week. . . . This morning, sweet pea held her rattle! It was too cute. I was able to capture the moment.

Lexie is growing so fast! I can't believe that she is already 9 weeks today! It seems like yesterday when she was born. Motherhood is definitely the most rewarding thing I've ever experienced. The minute that precious little girl smiles at me or at Dave, every care or worry disappears. She is pretty happy most of the time (now that we got her gassy tummy under control). I love this little munchkin so much! For more pictures, you can check out her website.


The Galimore Family said...

Rebecca, she is so precious!

Chip, Allyson and Karlee Baker said...

Karlee and I had matching PJ's too that my mom gave me the Christmas before she was born. I'm a sap for that kind of stuff too.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers