Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. . ..

Ok - I'm in one of my moods where I feel the need to vent.

Every since I've been pregnant, so many women have been rude and ugly to me. It seems like just because you're a mother and that you know better than I do, you think you're entitled to say whatever you want without thinking it will hurt my feelings. Maybe I'm extra sensitive. But some of the comments I've gotten are down right rude. I'd be offended not being pregnant. Here is what some of the comments have been:

  • "Gosh Becca, you're so tiny. Are you sure the baby is ok?" Most women would want to be called tiny, but not when there's a negative jab at the wellness of your baby.

  • "You're so small, you need to eat more to make sure Alexa is getting enough food." Like I don't eat. I just don't really eat a lot more than I did when I wasn't pregnant. I'm not really any more hungry than before.

  • Here's my favorite: "You're far enough along to where if something were to happen to the baby, it would probably still live." Yes, someone really did say that to me. Word for word. ?????????????????? What in the world do I say to that? Thanks?

All these comments are coming from ladies that have had multiple kids. Do they not remember how it felt to be pregnant? Would they want someone telling them that? NO! It seems like either you're too small and something is wrong with the baby or you're too big and you look like you're having twins. What happened to just saying, "Becca you look great" - even if I don't. Humor me at least. And for the record, I do have a belly.

Just to clarify - I went to the doctor today for my regular check up and everything is fine. Alexa is perfectly fine and on track with her weight as well as mine. My doctor was very appalled at the comments. Since I won't have any more ultrasounds, he made up a reason. He said that I didn't need one but if it would ease my mind, he'd set one up for tomorrow just to prove to those women that I'm fine and so is Alexa. Got to love him for that!

Ok - I'm done! Just had to get that off my chest. :-) Hopefully God will give me the strength to let comments like that roll off my back.


Rachael said...

I wanted a tshirt when I was pregnant with Landon that read "yes. you can touch my belly if I can touch yours." I wore my regular blue jeans until eight months - and people said the same awful stuff to me... :-P :-) Don't worry. You're cute and precious and glowingly beautiful. Count your blessings everyday and enjoy these last few weeks (?) before they are gone... :-) Alexa will be beautiful and lovely!

The Martin Family said...

Just wait until that little girl is here and is perfect in every way! That'll show 'em! People are just jealous...I know I certainly am! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Anonymous said...

rebecca.. they are just jealous because they gained 500lbs when they were pregnant. for some reason people think that being pregnant is an excuse to get fat.. i think you look just right, you are taking care of your baby already. i've read overeating excessively fatty foods is linked to childhood obesity! so there!i know what you mean, people made me SO angry!!!! now, when i run into pregnant people, i act completely CLUELESS like i don't know ANYTHING! even if i do, i keep my mouth shut. ugh! just reading this made me remember how furious i used to get

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