Thursday, December 3, 2009

Great Gift/Gate Idea. . . .

Usually around every September I start thinking about Christmas. I start wondering how many trees I'm going to do, where I'm going to put them, how to decorate them. Or where to put the garland and all the other gazillion decorations I have.
This year has been a little different. I did start thinking about Christmas in September but I couldn't decide what to do about the BIG tree in our family room or where to put it since we have a crawler on the loose. I definitely wanted to have a tree in there because that is where we spend most of our time. Plus, I wanted to enjoy it - Christmas only happens once a year and I try to soak up as much Christmas as I can! People kept saying, "I guess you can't do a tree because of the baby." Or "you will just have to put baby gates around the tree." My response to both. . . "I will do no such thing. There has to be a better solution."
This is when the light bulb appeared over my head. As I was coming into the house from the garage the other day, I happen to glance down and see four 2x12 cinder blocks (we had them because our huge tree kept falling down the few years ago). I went to Target and bought boxes big enough for them to fit. I came home and put the blocks in the boxes and taped them up good with duct tape. Then I wrapped them and even put bows on them and put them around the tree. When or if Lexie gets curious about the tree, I will pull the boxes out so she can't get to the tree. For the real presents, I have them under the tree in the living room. So far, she hasn't been the least bit curious in the tree except for the Santa photo shoot I made her do. :-) She still is very much into the media cabinet.
If you do this, make sure you used duct tape on the boxes - just to secure the blocks from breaking through. Also, I even put name tags on the boxes that says, "TO: Lexie; FROM: Mr. Fraser Fur." Ha!
Picture below. . .

Cinder Block Gate Presents

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