Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It’s Fall, y’all!

When I was younger, Spring or Summer was my favorite season. Spring – probably because school was about to be out. Summer – definitely because school was out and I had 3 whole months of playing and not having to deal with homework. The older I become, I’ve realized that fall has become my favorite season. I love the beautiful colors on the trees, the cool crisp air, the distant smell of smoke from fireplaces/fire pits, the feeling of wanting to snuggle up by the fire with loved ones and sip hot cocoa. Yes, I’m getting old. . . .

And let’s not forget about FOOTBALL. Fall = football season. There is nothing more fun than tailgating and spending time watching my AU Tigers with nearly 90,000 of my closest AU fans! Smile

I found these pictures below (courtesy of the weather channel). Aren’t they gorgeous?? The south has beautiful falls, but one day I would love to see the fall foliage in the Northeast like the states of Vermont or New Hampshire. I’ve heard it’s quite fabulous to see.

I’m thrilled that it’s not 300 degrees anymore! Lexie and I have been having so much fun spending time outside without sweating like a dog. We are so happy to have fall here!

fall 4

fall 1

fall 6


fall 7

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