Friday, August 21, 2009

The magic silver spoon

I started feeding Lexie rice cereal mixed in with her formula right before bedtime a little before she was three months (trying to get her to sleep through the night). Thanks for the recommendation, April! That worked great for about a month. Starting at four months, when Dave travels and then comes home, that throws Lexie off her sleeping pattern. Why? I have no idea. Coincidence? Maybe. When Dave left for Alaska, she was waking up once a night. Then she starting sleeping through the night again. Now that Dave is back from Alaska, she is again waking up once a night. Maybe she's just continuing to go through growth spurts when he's around?

While back in Alabama, I got her cute, little plastic bowls and tiny spoons out for her to start eating from a spoon (recs from her Dr.). It didn't go that smooth. She had no idea what to do. And my parents and I were laughing so hard at all her facial expressions, she got upset. It was quite funny. Some days I'm too tired to fool with the mess and end up giving her a bottle with rice cereal in it. Last night I tried the spoon feeding again. I left all her bowls/spoons at home, but remembered that I have a couple silver baby spoons given to Lexie for a gift. This isn't some ordinary silver spoon. It's a silver pattern that is now 4 generations deep! My grandmother, my Mom, myself, and now Lexie have it. Mabye that is why Lexie did so good eating from it last night? Can we say a southern young lady already? :-)

All in all, she did really well. She grasped the spoon great (which I thought might be the hard part), but she's sometimes was unsure on what to do once the rice cereal was in her mouth. But she started to swallow as you can see from below.

The magic spoon

"Here we go. . . . . ."

"Emmmmm, not bad"

"Yay, I did it!"

"I'm grasping the spoon pretty good."

"I want more."

"Now I want to hold the spoon myself Mommy."

"I got it Mommy"

"Oh no, it's gone already."


Hilary said...

She's such a sweetie, Bec! She looks so happy! y'all are fabulous parents.

Anonymous said...

just like c-m all over her face DAMN wish I c-m on her

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